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Showing posts with label special art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special art. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

History of Art Deco.

International Lux Magazine share an interesting article about the history of the famous and special ART DECO.

For more info make click HERE.

Article shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

For request of preparation and publication of Special Articles for recognized or emergent personalities of the fashion, art, architecture, interior design, jewelry, etc click HERE for more information.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

I Go Whimsical On You.

My life "was elevated to another level" when I began to see other dimension that was happening in front of my eyes simultaneously with reality and that I had never paid attention to before.

I was discovering natural mirrors and reflectors, flames, glows, blazes, brilliancy, dazzles, lights, shadows and glares; see that everything is reflected everywhere, my brain was showing me when immersed in great delight.”

It is a very interesting combination trying to live life according to reality and having a whimsical brain who only wants and desires and have this hope of grandeur.

Yes, this capricious being stays in between me and everybody else complicating the interaction with fanciful notions, imaginative narratives, and full of sudden wishes, longings and changes of mind.

It is a little embarrassing once looks like I am the eccentric one here, there is this carefree being occupying my head, hiding behind my eyes, making decisions on impulse, acting aloof and childlike but I will be the one to be blamed and bullied.

It is not that I am a victim or anything, I am not, and am grateful that this brain of mine showed me the surreal world. It is that I just have to supervise it more closely once being whimsical is not that bad, it has three different sides: Fanciful, amusing and erratic…(erratic? Ops!) I promise that for the most part, besides all that involves, whimsical is a compliment.

My pleasure to enhance the story telling with the art of these remarkable artists:

Giorgio Marogna.

Lisa (Vaselenak) Chater.

Mihaela Ioana Atomei.

Carlos Enrique Alvarez Delgado.

Dena (Heller) Ackerman.

Maria Parenteau.

Definition from: › dictionary › whimsical

This Article was wrote by:
 Maria Parenteau from San Diego, California, USA.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Let The Hidden Message be a Good One.

We cannot imagine the power of a message hidden in a work of art. They are inserted codes designed to steal your brain’s attention before you’re very self, if you are not aware you are carried away with unfamiliar suggestions that you do not know where they came from. The messages from your walls will stick to your brain and influence your unconscious greatly.

I know I am very mystic and I remember this occasion when I hanged in my living room a piece of art gifted to me. It was an image of a man with these piercing eyes, his face was photo shopped to mix with the clouds and there was an effort to imply peace in his intense and uncomfortable gaze. It took me forever to understand that something which I was not grasping with my normal eyes was going on.

I kept sensing an uneasy feeling of a spiritual presence of some sort, a dark energy was placed somewhere there and I had to deal with it. The first step was to believe that an inoffensive photo was bringing bad energy to my house, then take this faith into action and do something about it. I decided to brake it, I am sure it was a drastic action, but I am a spiritualist, a person who absolutely believes in the realm of this another dimension; and, if my gut were telling me something I had to better believe. So I did. If I tell you what happened in the sequence of the facts you are going to tell me that I was imagining things, so let’s finish the narrative right here and focus on what is important: Your walls need to be used to protect not only your body but your brain as well, do not hang any imaginary whole on it.

I used the artwork from the amazing and talented artists from LinkedIn :

Petra Kerstin Lober. 

Mario Malacrino.

Paul Crimi.

Marìna Syntelis.

You, 尤涛.

Jacob Berghoef.

This Article was wrote by:
Maria Parenteau from San Diego, California, USA.


Click on photos to enlarge.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cover Your Walls With Awe.

Photo source (Author - Artist):

International Lux Magazine 
has the pleasure to present to the international audience the very featured Maria Parenteau, She is a Brazilian American contemporary fine artist recognized for creating visual poetry, her goal is use the arts to create joy and comfort to inspire and encourage people.

She is a creative, independent thinker, a philanthropist and a social entrepreneur with innovative ideas to rethink poverty. She auctions her artwork to benefit mankind and invest in social projects around the globe.

Maria Parenteau is also World Peace Ambassador and associate member of the staff of International Lux Magazine.

We share here her message:

Signature image of Maria Parenteau.

 If a habit is created in only 21 days imagine what looking at one image over and over for years can cause in your consciousness. Neuroscience is unveiling the power of the arts to bring well-being, promote change in our thinking process and nurture and maintain our mental health.

Envision experiencing awe every time you pass by that inspiring artwork in your living room. Have fun knowing your brain receives great relief and relaxation by contemplating an image. Discover what a colorful landscape resembling a magical place from story books can bring to your imagination. Majestic mountains faraway playing with the horizon lines, sunrise pouring bright golden colors into the atmosphere can bring your heart into this wonderful display of glory.

The healthy vines and the movement of dancers celebrate the plentiful harvest. It is all so colorful and surreal that you lose your sense of time. This indicates your brain is intoxicated by beauty and your body is gushing with serotonin. Your heart is ready for joy. You can throw your pills away because you are giving yourself  the perfect remedy; art.

Please enhance your knowledge with this
great article by Renee Phillips   

Images: Kirsten Borror -

Maria Parenteau -

Daciana -

Linda Winter - Http://

The images included in this Article are
ART of Maria Parenteau. Congratulations for
the very nice and inspirating Art.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Press Release shared by: Carlos Eduardo Feijoo - Founder and editor of International Lux Magazine.

Great success at the tenth edition of FASHION ART and MORE for the exhibition of:


Nuova Officina delle Arti was born from twenty years of experience in the art field and from the daily encounter with great photographers, painters, sculptors and private collections. From this experience comes the awareness of recovering, in everyday life and in a private dimension, the love for beautiful things, for that Italian know-how that has made our country unique and great in the world.

Someone said "beauty will save the world", Noa's mission thus becomes to bring the public closer to a high art of values, which is not the fashion of a moment, but which is born of study and genius, manual skill and craftsmanship , from creativity and knowledge of the great arts of the past.

The Nuova Officina delle Arti wants to bring the sculpture, made with the material of immortality, the white Carrara marble, into contact with the private public.

The difficulty of finding this precious material and finding capable hands capable of working it, unfortunately today relegates it to the monuments of the large squares or museums. But his preciousness, in these times, has meant that the greatest contemporary artists such as Maurizio Cattelan or Jeff Koons, have brought him back to the eyes of the world.

Obviously we are talking about works almost inaccessible to private collections and in any case far from the hopes of most art lovers.

The Nuova Officina delle Arti decides to bring them also in private collections. Found in Carrara, a place of reference for the geniuses of the history of art, his artist asks him to dialogue with Michelangelo, Bernini, Canova and to create an ideal bridge that reconnects our era to the immortal beauty of the past.

Barbara Nurigian Co-founder NOA .
 Maurizio Gabbana - Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico NOA.
The "looks" (as the first collection of the Nuova Officina delle Arti is called) that the artist gives us, allow our eyes to observe, and sometimes to know from scratch, those details that today often escape us when we are in front of the great masterpieces. The sculptures are transformed into bas-reliefs that, like magical three-dimensional paintings, enter everyday life.
During the FASHION ART and MORE event of luxury, art and fashion, in Fashion Week in Milan, it was possible to admire the majesty of three great interpretative works, entirely carved in Carrara marble, of which the Pietà by Michelangelo. 

All the works can be admired or booked on the website:

Unusual aspects, captivating and sometimes unusable details transform the great works into moments of encounter and enjoyment that the Nuova Officina delle Arti brings to the general public.

For contact: Tel. +39 06 83975131

Vip &Opere Mario Argentieri- Maurizio Gabbana- Mauro Oliveri Aeroservice by COIN - Sabrina Spinelli Wellness for You Barbara Nurigian Co-founder and Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico NOA.

Opere NOA - Model Karina Tairovna (Dress Vanilla Style).

Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico NOA - Barbara Nurigian Co-founder NOA.

Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico NOA.

Left to right: Cinzia Acerbis Global & Education Manager Alfaparf Group, Sabrina Spinelli manager organizer of the luxury event : FASHION ART and MORE (Milan, Italy) and Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico Noa.

Opera NOA Nuova Officina delle Arti.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico Noa - Cinzia Acerbis Global & Education Manager Alfaparf Group.

(Click on photos to enlarge).

Paolo Tomassini Amministratore Unico NOA.

International Lux Magazine congratulates to NOA "NUOVA OFFICINA DELLE ARTI" for their fine sculptures's art.

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