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Showing posts with label nice art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nice art. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Let The Hidden Message be a Good One.

We cannot imagine the power of a message hidden in a work of art. They are inserted codes designed to steal your brain’s attention before you’re very self, if you are not aware you are carried away with unfamiliar suggestions that you do not know where they came from. The messages from your walls will stick to your brain and influence your unconscious greatly.

I know I am very mystic and I remember this occasion when I hanged in my living room a piece of art gifted to me. It was an image of a man with these piercing eyes, his face was photo shopped to mix with the clouds and there was an effort to imply peace in his intense and uncomfortable gaze. It took me forever to understand that something which I was not grasping with my normal eyes was going on.

I kept sensing an uneasy feeling of a spiritual presence of some sort, a dark energy was placed somewhere there and I had to deal with it. The first step was to believe that an inoffensive photo was bringing bad energy to my house, then take this faith into action and do something about it. I decided to brake it, I am sure it was a drastic action, but I am a spiritualist, a person who absolutely believes in the realm of this another dimension; and, if my gut were telling me something I had to better believe. So I did. If I tell you what happened in the sequence of the facts you are going to tell me that I was imagining things, so let’s finish the narrative right here and focus on what is important: Your walls need to be used to protect not only your body but your brain as well, do not hang any imaginary whole on it.

I used the artwork from the amazing and talented artists from LinkedIn :

Petra Kerstin Lober. 

Mario Malacrino.

Paul Crimi.

Marìna Syntelis.

You, 尤涛.

Jacob Berghoef.

This Article was wrote by:
Maria Parenteau from San Diego, California, USA.


Click on photos to enlarge.

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