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Showing posts with label healthy lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy lifestyle. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Mindfulness Movement.

Mindfulness is more than just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle. As our lives become increasingly hectic, the practice of mindfulness offers a way to find balance and reduce stress. 

Mindfulness involves being fully present and engaged in the moment, often achieved through meditation and breathing exercises. Apps like Headspace and Calm have made mindfulness accessible to millions. 

The benefits are profound, including improved mental clarity, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Incorporating mindfulness into daily routines can transform our approach to life, making us more resilient and centered in the face of challenges.

The inner harmony the mental peace are also linked with
 the contact with the nature.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Importance of Trees.

Article shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo, Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine, from the web site of one of our Co-media partners.

A tree, in Botany, is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. We all know that trees provide oxygen, fruits, shade and timber but, unlike other living organisms, they are not capable of locomotion or movement.

However, there is more to these trees than we think we now. Trees are extremely important for us and our habitat.

Following are the some of the most important benefits of trees:

1. Trees absorb carbon-dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere which is essential for breathing for all animal life on Earth. In one year an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people.

2. Trees combat climate change. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced when one drives a car for 26,000 miles.

3. Trees clean the air we breathe by absorbing odours and pollutant gases such as Nitrogen Oxides, Ammonia, Sulphur Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide. They also filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.

4. Trees cool the streets and cities by providing shade, breaking up urban “heat islands” and releasing water.

5.Trees conserve energy. Only three trees placed strategically around a single-family home can cut summer air-conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants.

6.Trees save water by providing shade which slows water evaporation from thirsty lawns. Most newly planted trees need only fifteen gallons of water a week. As trees transpire, they increase atmospheric moisture.

7. Trees help prevent water pollution. They reduce runoff by breaking rainfall, thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the earth below the trees. This prevents storm-water from carrying pollutants to the ocean. When mulched, trees act like a sponge that filters this water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater supplies.

8.Trees help prevent soil erosion on hillsides or stream slopes by slowing run-off and holding soil in place.

9. Trees shield humans and all other forms of animal life from ultra-violet rays by reducing UV-B exposure by about 50 percent.

10. Trees provide food. An apple tree can yield up to 15-20 bushels of fruit per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife.

11. Trees have a healing effect. Studies have shown that patients with views of trees outside their windows heal faster and with less complications. Children with ADHD show fewer symptoms when they have access to nature. Exposure to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue.

12. Trees mark the seasons. The change in colour and density of leaves serves as a natural marker for the seasons and associated change in weather.

13. Trees create economic opportunities. Fruit harvested from community orchards can be sold, thus providing income. Small business opportunities in green waste management and landscaping arise when cities value mulching and its water-saving qualities. Vocational training for youth interested in green jobs is also a great way to earn revenue.

14. Trees are teachers as well as play mates. Whether as houses for children or creative and spiritual inspiration for adults, trees have provided the space for human retreat throughout the ages.
Trees foster unity and bring diverse groups of people together. Trees as landmarks can give a neighborhood a new identity and encourage civic pride. Plantation and afforestation drives provide an opportunity for community involvement and empowerment that improves the quality of life in neighborhoods.

15. Trees provide a canopy and habitat for wildlife. Sycamore and oak are among the many urban species that provide excellent urban homes for birds, bees, possums and squirrels.
Trees beautify the environment and surroundings. They help in cloaking concrete walls, parking lots and unsightly views. They also aid in reducing noise pollution by muffling sound from nearby streets and freeways.

16. Trees provide wood for fuel, furniture and craft-wood.

17. Trees increase property value. The beauty of a well-planted property and its surrounding streets and neighborhood can raise estimated values by as much as 15 percent.

18. Trees are also used as camouflage by the armed forces.

Original post by : Nimisha Patel.
Nature lover. Like to research mythology.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How to use yoga to sleep better during the pandemic.

(BPT) - Whether due to illness, altered work schedules, homeschooling or social distancing, COVID-19 has impacted us all personally. Stress levels are high, and the resulting anxiety makes it much harder to get a good night's rest. Despite the efforts of the $70 billion sleep-aid industry, many exhausted people are still searching for ways to get the sleep they need to keep their immune systems strong.

Unfortunately, sleeping pills are the dominant treatment strategy for insomnia. Sleeping pills don't work for everyone, have side effects and do not address the underlying stress that is keeping you awake. That's why medical experts are increasingly advising those struggling with poor sleep to first try more natural solutions. Kundalini Yoga is one viable option. Through the practice of kriyas, specific breath control techniques and exercises, anyone can find the fulfilling rest they need.

These Kundalini Yoga techniques can help if you have recently begun to suffer from poor sleep or you struggle with an ongoing sleep disorder. According to "Yoga Can Help With Insomnia" by Psychology Today, "Researchers at Harvard Medical School investigated how a daily yoga practice might affect sleep for people with insomnia and found broad improvements to measurements of sleep quality and quantity."

The importance of sleep hygiene

First, it's critical to maintain good sleep hygiene. These are the habits that put you in the best position to have a full night of quality sleep. Signs your sleep could use improvement include taking too long to fall asleep, waking multiple times with difficulty falling back asleep, overall light and restless sleep, and drowsiness during the day.

While each person must adopt consistent sleep hygiene practices that work for them, here are some guidelines that you can follow to sleep better.

* Avoid bright screens and stimulants like caffeine, alcohol or nicotine close to bedtime.

* Exercise during the day so the body is ready to rest later. Be mindful of timing; exercising too late in the day can disrupt sleep.

* A light snack is OK, but avoid heavy meals or spicy food before bed.

* Drink a glass of water before sleep since dehydration can disturb the sleeping mind. Waking up to use the bathroom is less disruptive to a whole night's sleep than dehydration.

* Practice a restful activity before getting into bed. For example, do gentle yoga and slow breathing exercises, read a book, pray or meditate.

* If your nighttime sleep is poor, avoid napping during the daytime.

Yogic recommendations: Steps to deep, dreamless sleep

The 3HO Foundation recommends using these Kundalini Yoga techniques to quickly achieve deep sleep in just a few minutes:

Step 1: A busy mind has difficulty sleeping. Quiet your thoughts by first visualizing all your worries, ideas and problems, wrapping them up in a package, then placing that package on a shelf in your mind. You'll be amazed at how many are gone, solved or improved by the time you wake up.

Step 2: Lie on your stomach, turn your head so your right cheek is on the pillow. This automatically opens your left nostril to bring in cooling, calming energy. Practice long, deep breathing in this position. Then block your right nostril completely with your hand and continue long, deep breathing through the left nostril.

Step 3: Once you feel drowsy, turn to your preferred sleeping position on your back or side. Continue long, deep breathing until asleep.

Sleep is always an important component to health and wellness. During stressful times, quality sleep is difficult to achieve. These steps will help you refine your sleep routine and discover better rest. To learn more, visit

Article shared from the website of the original publication : Brandpoint.(

Sunday, December 29, 2019

6 ways to turn your home into a natural oasis.

(BPT) - As the year comes to an end, many people make resolutions to start the New Year strong. This might mean ramping up your workout routine, increasing your self-care regimen or finding time to de-stress.

The EPA reports we spend 90 percent of our time indoors, but most people feel that spending time in nature has a positive effect on their mental well-being and stress level, according to a recent YouGov study commissioned by VELUX. So, if your goal is to de-stress, here are some healthy behaviors and design tips to help you bring nature's sanctuary indoors.

Fill your home with photos of nature

Surrounding yourself with images of nature can have a positive effect on wellness. Try framing some photos of special memories in nature like a hike with your family, beach sunset or mountain view.

Let in more fresh air and natural light

Today's homes are built tighter and more sealed, which means they trap toxins from daily living - such as cooking, cleaning, pets and more - inside. Adding skylights that can open is a simple home renovation project to improve fresh air flow, helping rid indoor air of pollutants. Additionally, studies show that exposure to natural light helps to sync your circadian rhythm, allowing for better sleep at night.

Fill your home with natural scents

Up your chef game by using fresh herbs in your cooking that will fill your kitchen with natural fragrance. Making an indoor herb garden ensures you'll always have some on hand. You can also incorporate fresh herbs into bouquets or wreaths for a natural air freshener throughout your home.

Meditate or do yoga in the morning

Waking up with stretching or meditating is a great way to prepare yourself for a successful day. Open the blinds or curtains on your windows and skylights to let in early morning light and help you feel invigorated and refreshed.

Go green with your décor

Reap the benefits of nature by bringing it inside, adding greenery or even fruit into your décor. The possibilities are endless - use a bowl of fresh fruit as a centerpiece or mix different sizes of pots to create a succulent gallery. Little touches of green in each room will go a long way.

Use natural cleaning products

Many common cleaning products have harsh chemicals that can be inhaled or absorbed into your skin. Combat the dangers of these toxins by switching to natural cleaning products. You'll feel safer and more relaxed when your home is chemical-free.

From boosting your home's natural light to going green and adding plant life, it's easy to turn your home into a natural oasis with these simple steps. For more information, visit

Article shared from the website of the original publication : Brandpoint.(

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

6 tips to better nutrition.

6 nutrition trends and fads explained

(BPT) - Dr. Nicole Avena, assistant professor of neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and visiting professor of health psychology at Princeton University, explains six popular nutrition trends including sustainable snacks, new plant-based milks, prebiotics and probiotics and the latest on gummy supplements vs. traditional vitamins:

1. Matcha vs. coffee? A premium green tea powder from Japan, matcha is used for drinking as tea or as an ingredient in recipes. While coffee and matcha have about the same amount of caffeine, matcha packs lots of great antioxidants. Check the label to make sure it has been tested for heavy metals, as some matcha can contain lead from the soil where it was grown.

2. Shelf-stable probiotics vs. refrigerated? Only two strains of probiotics are shelf-stable, whereas different and diverse strains can be present in refrigerated probiotics. But, shelf-stable probiotics have the advantage that they can be used in other food products, like granolas, butter, soups, etc. Just don’t mess with the packaging or open blister packs until you want to use them, as they are packed for preservation. Dead probiotics won’t harm you, but they don’t have any health benefits either. Remember there are different probiotic strains for different issues: i.e., you don’t want to take a digestive or immunity probiotic for vaginal health issues. Instead, try Pro-B as it contains two strains of lactobacilli, which are optimal to promote vaginal health.

3. Algae oil, fish or olive oil? Algae oil is vegetarian and a source of omega-3s and DHA (good fats to support brain health). Algae oil is safe to use in pregnancy (when eating too much fish can be harmful because of mercury) and is heart healthy (studies show it lowers cholesterol and triglycerides). It also has more monounsaturated fat than olive oil.

4. Cow’s milk vs. almond milk? Despite its popularity, almond milk often has less than 2 percent actual almonds in it, has a lot of added sugar, and is not necessarily better for the environment because it takes five liters of water to grow one almond.

5. Make sure to start taking a prenatal dietary supplement like OB Complete that contains 1,000 mg of Folate, 40-50 mg of iron and 1,000-1,200 IU's vitamin D when you're trying to conceive right through breastfeeding.

6. Gummy vitamins are just as effective as pills and chewables. The best way to get needed nutrients is through food, but, people don’t always have eating habits that provide them with all the nutrition they need. Others have deficiencies that diet alone can’t resolve. Supplements can fill the gap, but people are more likely to take their supplements regularly if they taste good and they’re convenient. Gummies can be a good option, and clinical tests show that their absorption is equivalent to traditional vitamin pills. vitafusion offers more than 30 types of gummy vitamins, with no artificial flavors, high fructose corn syrup, gluten or dairy.

Nicole Avena, Ph.D., is a research neuroscientist and pioneer in the field of food and nutrition. She is also the author of What to Eat When You’re Pregnant.

Article shared from the website of the original publication : Brandpoint.(

Friday, May 31, 2019

3 reasons to go fishing on your next day trip.

(BPT) - When the weather warms up, it’s the perfect time to spend a day casting on the water. Whether you’re an experienced fisherman, a novice or a family looking for a fun, all-ages activity, fishing is an easy and enjoyable choice.

Here are three reasons for you and your family to go fishing for your next day trip:

1. It’s a fun way to spend time together.

Fishing is a fun activity that gets kids outdoors and engaged, and it’s easy for anyone to participate, regardless of their age. Fishing allows friends and families to enjoy a relaxing day together, and helps keep their focus on each other, nature and the activity at hand. For kids interested in fishing on a regular basis, organized youth fishing programs are becoming increasingly popular nationwide. These programs and high school fishing teams are growing rapidly, getting support from well-known fishing companies including lure manufacturer Rapala, which sponsors the Student Angler Tournament Trail.

“We are witnessing an exciting explosion in youth enjoyment of fishing,” says Rapala marketing director Matt Jensen. “High school and college fishing teams are growing faster than we’ve ever seen and it’s encouraging kids to get into the sport at a younger age.”

These programs are a great way to teach kids fishing basics, allowing them to pursue a lifelong sport. Summer is an ideal time to sign kids up for fishing camps and schedule fishing trips for the whole family.

2. It’s accessible.

Many people live near lakes or other bodies of water, allowing easy access to the sport. For others, water may be just a short drive away, making for a perfect one-day escape or weekend getaway.
Also, fishing isn’t complicated to learn and doesn’t require a ton of expensive equipment. Whether you own or rent a boat, or fish from a dock or shoreline, learning the basics with an affordable rod and reel is something anyone can do. Also, there are plenty of lure options that make fishing a quick and fun pursuit for any skill level. Here are a few easy-to-use choices:
  • The Original Floating Rapala is the world’s No. 1 “go-to” lure. Found in more tackle boxes than any other bait, it’s versatile and effective. Designed with a natural minnow profile, the bait offers anglers the ability to reach any depth, making it perfect for catching a host of game fish, no matter where they lurk. Its patented wounded minnow swimming action continues to be irresistible to fish decades after its debut.
  • The Storm 360GT Searchbait is the ultimate confidence lure. Designed to be fished anywhere by anglers of all skill levels, its true-to-life rattling jig head and soft-plastic minnow profile creates a natural presentation that fools fish time and time again.
  • The Rapala DT (Dives-To) Series is a favorite choice for professional bass anglers. This crankbait comes in a variety of sizes, allowing the user to target specific depths and stay in the “strike zone” longer than any other crankbait on the market. Swimming with an attention-grabbing side-to-side motion, the Rapala DT-Series is a must-have lure for catching smallmouth and largemouth bass.
3. It’s good for you.

Spending time outdoors offers significant health benefits. One huge advantage of fishing together is that it allows families to get away from screens. Everyone can set their phones and gadgets aside to enjoy time in nature and relish each other’s company without distractions.
If a child is spending too much time with electronics, breaking up their routine with an outdoor activity like fishing can expose them to the benefits of in-person interaction, engaging with the real world and experiencing the beauty of nature.

Here are additional health benefits that come with fishing outdoors:

Vitamin D. Just 10-15 minutes of midday sun provides a healthy dose of vitamin D, which helps bodies absorb calcium. This boosts bone growth and health, and fights disease. Vitamin D also elevates mood, helping with depression.

Relaxation. Being outdoors, breathing fresh air and spending time on a body of water relieves stress and lowers blood pressure. For people constantly on the go, it’s a great way to take a much-needed break.

Exercise. Walking and boating helps burn calories and increases heart rate. And even though the participants may not notice, fishing helps stretch and flex some of the body’s underused muscles.
With its widespread accessibility, health benefits and ease of participation, fishing is a great way to get outside and enjoy the beautiful summer weather ahead. You just might catch some fish — and have a great time doing it.

Article shared from the website of the original publication : Brandpoint.(

Friday, May 3, 2019

4 things you might not know about boat shows.

(BPT) - Boat shows are taking place across the country, offering opportunities to plan now for warmer days ahead. Special pricing and incentives on new boat models and marine accessories are a major draw for the 142 million Americans who take to the water each year, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association. For those ready to plan their summer adventures on the water, boat shows are a good place to start.

Explore all boating curiosities and interests, from fishing and sailing to riding personal watercraft and wakesurfing. Boat shows not only offer the opportunity to browse and board the latest boats and marine accessories, but also offer those looking to get started in boating a taste of the boating lifestyle during the off-season. Most boat shows have educational opportunities and ways to get on the water — from rentals to boat clubs and more.

Discover Boating, the national awareness program to help get people on the water, offers four reasons to visit a boat show near you this year:

* Warm up with hot deals. 

Unlike auto shows, boat shows are the place to buy. Hundreds of new models are available to buy right on the show floor at some of the best prices of the year. Boat shows make it easy to shop all the region’s dealers in one location, and it’s the right time to order a new boat to ensure it arrives by spring.

* Navigate the boating lifestyle.

 You can learn the ropes of boating and take advantage of onsite training, offered at little to no cost. Beginners can learn about boating, and more experienced captains are able to hone their skills. Plus, boat shows offer interactive activities for the whole family from knot-tying and boating 101 seminars to remote-control docking ponds and virtual reality boating simulators and more. Most shows also have charters, boat clubs, rentals and boat schools for show-goers to research ways to get on the water before buying.

* Invest in your health. 

In addition to the thousands of steps you will achieve from browsing the latest products, boat shows could also be an investment in your health. According to a recent survey, 72 percent of Americans reported feeling healthier after spending time on the water. Plus, recent research has confirmed what many boaters already know — you experience health benefits, like reducing stress, by being near, in, on or under water, and while participating in activities like boating. Learn more about the health benefits of boating by visiting

* Look for the seal of approval. 

When shopping for a boat at a show, online or at a dealership, always check to make sure it is NMMA Certified. NMMA Certified boat and trailer manufacturers have been independently inspected to ensure they meet strict industry standards for safety and construction, as well as all federal regulations. Look for the sticker near the helm of a boat.

Visit to find a boat show near you, a list of certified boat manufacturers, a Boat Finder tool that matches your on-water interests with different boat types, plus more interactive tools and resources for getting started in boating.

Article shared from the website of the original publication : Brandpoint.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Home and office furniture: What you don't know could be toxic.

How to avoid hidden dangers in home and office furniture.

(BPT) - Awareness of health risks from potentially harmful chemicals has grown exponentially in recent years, leading to a consumer demand for transparency regarding what’s in the food, personal care products and household items we use every day.

But did you know that many home and office furnishings contain chemicals linked to cancer, asthma and other ailments? These chemicals can create potentially toxic air that we breathe inside — where we spend 90 percent of our time — every day. According to the EPA, concentrations of volatile organic compounds in the air are consistently higher — up to 10 times higher — indoors than outdoors.

Materials transparency

Aiming to establish industry standards for reporting building product content and potential health impacts, the Health Product Declaration Collaborative (HPDC) created an “Open Standard” through which manufacturing companies can be more transparent about building materials used in furniture and other products for homes and workplaces. The HPDC standard is based on thorough scientific analysis, providing builders, architects, designers and consumers accurate information about the chemicals used in the manufacturing processes of the furniture we live with every day, and how it might affect our health.

With the increased awareness of this issue, many manufacturing companies are joining HPDC to demonstrate their commitment to greater transparency about the materials they use. Included in HPDC membership are companies such as Armstrong Ceiling Solutions, GAF Roofing and Humanscale. Another nonprofit organization dedicated to materials transparency is the International Living Future Institute, which allows companies to “Declare” their products using an online platform, providing a resource for builders and consumers seeking healthier products.

Humanscale makes ergonomic and environmentally sustainable office furniture. Jane Abernethy, its chief sustainability officer, describes the importance of materials transparency in achieving their mission of sustainability: “We’re leading our industry in materials transparency with more Health Product Declarations (HPDs) and Declare ingredients than any other company. Inspired by what we’re seeing brands such as sustainability pioneer Patagonia do in apparel, we’re diving deep into our supply chain to create thorough and accurate disclosures. By understanding what goes into our products, we’re creating a healthier environment not only where we live and work but also for the world.”

Cooperation with these transparency and sustainability standards is voluntary, so at the same time that a growing number of manufacturers are joining the effort, there are still many companies making furniture and other products without revealing information about their possible harmful effects on the interior environment.

Abernethy confirms that it’s an ongoing commitment her company is dedicated to making, explaining that with ingredient labels on nearly 70 percent of products, “It’s not only a reflection of our commitment to avoid red-list materials and chemicals of concern; it’s proof that we’re prioritizing ingredients that are healthy and environmentally friendly.”

Environmental education

What can consumers do to protect themselves? One step is to educate yourself about the issue. Learn about products you plan to bring into your home. Check with the HPDC or Living Future websites to see if the products you're buying or companies you’re purchasing from are listed. Ask about products and furniture at your workplace, and help inform your employer about the issue of environmental health.

To learn more about product safety in general, you can take four new online courses available to everyone at the Parsons School of Design. Alison Mears, head of the Healthy Materials Lab at Parsons, explains the importance of education for consumers, saying, “If you want to understand more about the paint for your baby’s bedroom, you could actually start taking these courses and would be pretty well informed and know where to look for more.”

Becoming more educated about household products, furnishings and labels helps consumers concerned about everyday exposure to chemicals make smarter, healthier choices. Companies wanting to grow their business, particularly with the younger generation, also need to pay attention to these concerns. According to research from Nielsen, millennials and members of Generation Z are much more willing to patronize companies that demonstrate a commitment to making a positive social and environmental impact. So what’s good for the consumer and the planet is also good for their bottom line.

Article shared from the web site of the original publication : Brandpoint.(

Monday, April 15, 2019

Top 10 ways to reduce body fat and weight naturally.

Arrticle shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo, Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine, from the web site of one of our Co-media partners

Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when people carry excess weight or body fat to the extent that it might affect their health. It usually increases the risk of cardio-vascular diseases and associated health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Although there are numerous medicinal and surgical procedures to remove excess body fat, the following list explains 10 easy steps to reduce excess body fat naturally.

1. Exercise daily for at least 20 minutes. Take a brisk walk or a brief sprint, do some push-ups, yoga or plain aerobics; you need to burn the fat that has accumulated in your body. It will take time but you patience will pay off when you start noticing results after a few weeks.
2. Start your day with a glass of luke-warm water and a slice of lemon. Have it daily before breakfast. You shall feel refreshed and your body shall start shedding the accumulated fat naturally.
3. Have green tea.
4. Cut-down on your sugar intake. Avoid chocolates, ice cream and sugary treats.
5. Minimize your intake of rice, potato, cheese and mayonnaise.
6. Try to avoid processed food as much as possible. Eat fresh.
7. Eat fruits, lots of fruits. Fruits are rich in essential nutrients and water content but low on fat and sugar content.
8. Breakfast should be heavy, lunch should be moderate and dinner should be light. Finish your dinner at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed.
9. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Water hydrates the body and eliminates impurities from the blood stream.
10. Get a good night’s sleep. You should have sound sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours. It reduces stress and revitalizes your organs.

You should start seeing results with 3-4 weeks of following this simple regime. Stay fit, stay healthy.

Original post by : Nimisha Patel.
Nature lover. Like to research mythology.

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Hot Home Trends: Elevate Your Space.