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Showing posts with label fashion show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion show. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Si svolgerà Domenica 25 Febbraio a Milano, presso il prestigioso Rooftop Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull, all’interno dell’ Hyatt Centric Milan Centrale, in Via Pirelli 20, nel cuore della città, la decima edizione dell’evento Milano Fashion Day.

Durante l’evento verranno presentate le nuove collezioni 2024/2025, in concomitanza con la settimana della moda milanese. 

L’Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull è una vera e propria giungla situata a 40 metri d’altezza, nello skyline meneghino con un background d’eccezione: il Bosco Verticale ed il nuovo distretto finanziario.

La Milano Fashion Day ha l’obiettivo di valorizzare i Brand che parteciperanno all’evento consentendogli di far sfilare le loro creazioni davanti ad un parterre costituito da addetti del settore moda, stampa, buyers, influencer e celebrities. 

A condurre la manifestazione ci sarà Leo Lionel, noto conduttore del mondo della moda milanese.  

L’evento sarà diviso in due sessioni. 


Ingresso e accrediti invitati 1^ Défilé: h13.30 – h14.30
1^ Défilé: h14.45 

Ingresso e accrediti invitati 2^ Défilé: h15.30– h16.30
2^ Défilé: h16.45 

I brand che sfileranno all'interno del défilé saranno: 

Stefano Ghilardi 



Andre Soriano 

Sally Salas 

Subsaharienne Couture 

Mayoushka Couture 



Jimmy Crystal 

Le modelle, selezionate e provenienti da tutta l'Italia, saranno acconciate e truccate dal gruppo diretto da Nico Bruno, che con il loro staff esalterà la bellezza di tutte le modelle. 

Dalle ore 19.00 la Milano Fashion Day, in collaborazione con l’Hyatt Centric Milan Centrale, organizzerà un after party per i clienti presenti che si terrà presso il Rooftop Organics SkyGarden. 

Un ringraziamento importante va anche alle agenzie di moda partner dell’evento: 

The Fashion Management 

MM Model Management 

Ad arricchire la kermesse sarà presente la nota scuola di massaggi Diabasi, con un corner adibito nel quale omaggerà gli ospiti presenti con massaggi viso con i prodotti del brand Youth Reserve. 

L’evento è organizzato da Andrew Sardelli e da Marco Rosselli, in collaborazione con l’agenzia AP Servizi.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Grande successo per la nona edizione della Milano Fashion Day 2023 #MFW al prestigioso Rooftop Organics SkyGarden.

Si è svolta Domenica 24 Settembre a Milano la nona edizione della Milano Fashion Day.

A far da cornice all’evento il prestigioso Rooftop Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull, situato al tredicesimo piano dell’Hyatt Centric Milan Centrale, in Via Pirelli 20, nel cuore della città meneghina.

L’Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull è una vera e propria giungla situata a 40 metri d’altezza, nello skyline meneghino con un background d’eccezione: il Bosco Verticale ed il nuovo distretto finanziario.

Durante la settimana della moda femminile di Milano sono state presentate le nuove collezioni 2023/2024.

All’evento hanno partecipato tanti addetti del settore moda, giornalisti del web e della carta stampata, influencer e vari personaggi della tv e dei reality (Temptation Island e Uomini e Donne), tra i quali l'ex coppia protagonista dell'ultima edizione di Temptation Island composta da Mirko Brunetti e Perla Vatiero, accompagnati dai loro compagni di avventura nel reality Manuel Marascio e Francesca Sorrentino.

La presenza all'evento di Mirko e Perla, dopo la loro rottura all'interno di Temptation Island, ha creato molti rumors.

La Milano Fashion Day, arrivata alla sua nona edizione, ha realizzato il suo obiettivo principale: quello di valorizzare i brand che hanno partecipato.

L’evento è stato condotto dal noto conduttore del mondo della moda milanese Leo Lionel.

Entrambi i blocchi dell’evento hanno avuto un grande successo di pubblico, registrando l’overbooking.

Diversi giorni prima dell’evento l’organizzazione ha dovuto chiudere gli accrediti per aver raggiunto il numero massimo di persone che la location poteva contenere.

I brand che hanno sfilato all’interno del défilé sono:

Ten ways to be

Gabriela Rigamonti

Stefano Ghilardi

Atelier Milano

Irina Tyrchak

Ahdjibah Djibouti

Anna Rock Milano

All’evento hanno partecipato come partner anche la dottoressa di medicina estetica Giuliana Chillè, l’agenzia di moda MM Model Management e l’azienda Vitality’s

Le modelle, selezionate e provenienti da tutta l’Italia, sono state acconciate e truccate dal gruppo Elihair Agency, che con il loro staff ne ha esaltato la bellezza.

Durante l’evento era presente anche un corner dove alcuni allievi della scuola di massaggi Diabasi hanno fatto un messaggio viso agli ospiti presenti, con i prodotti del brand Youth Reserve.

L’evento è stato organizzato da Andrew Sardelli e da Marco Rosselli.

Friday, February 24, 2023


Si svolgerà Domenica 26 Febbraio a Milano, presso lo showroom Bodyfriend, in Via Manzoni 43, a pochi passi da Piazza Duomo, l’evento Milano Fashion Day.

Durante l’evento verranno presentate le nuove collezioni 2023/2024, in concomitanza con la settimana della moda milanese.

La Milano Fashion Day ha l’obiettivo di valorizzare i Brand che parteciperanno all’evento.

Le loro creazioni sfileranno davanti ad un parterre costituito da addetti del settore, stampa, buyers e influencer.

A condurre la manifestazione ci sarà Leo Lionel, noto conduttore del mondo della moda milanese.

Tra i protagonisti dell’evento ci sarà il brand Wear Delivery e Mood Wines.


Ingresso e accrediti invitati Défilé: h15.00 – h16.30

Défilé: 17.00

I brand che sfileranno all'interno del défilé saranno:


De Caro Calzature


Stefano Ghilardi

Lucia Giacomucci

Le modelle, selezionate e provenienti da tutta l'Italia, saranno acconciate e truccate dal gruppo Elihair Agency Milano, in collaborazione con Mix Art, che con il loro staff esalterà la bellezza di tutte le modelle.

L’evento è organizzato da Andrew Sardelli e da Marco Rosselli, in collaborazione con l’agenzia B&P Innovations.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Great success for the sixth edition of Milan Fashion Day.

Milan Fashion Week
restarts with events in attendance and does it in style at Organics SkyGarden by Red Bull, inside the Hyatt Centric Milan Centrale

An evening in which there was an air of almost normalcy after a long period of restrictions.

In an exclusive location with a panoramic and breathtaking view of the fashion capital Milanese, Sunday 26 September, the following brands presented their collections: Anna Rock, Muchmoney, Amor Y Odio, Gabriela Rigamonti, Skylab, Nina 27, Anna Salvigni, B17 Fashion, Karakorum, Da-Mò and Aghè Mare

A full immersion understanding between tradition, innovation and change.

Many sector employees and VIP guests flocked to the event including the lawyer Ivano Chiesa with wife Elisa, the former tronista Jessica Antonini, the archaeologist and columnist Aristide Malnati, the former pupa Rosy Dilettuso, Elena Morali who walked the runway for the B17 brand accompanied by her boyfriend Luigi Fabulous, the TV presenter and blogger Morena Zapparoli together with her partner Antonio Presta, the international actor and model Davide Clivio, the former gieffino Biagio D’Anelli, Silvy Lubamba, the international dancer Lucia Colosio, the influencers Francesca Nardo, Elena Nicole Pasqualotti and Mariapia Cuomo, the tiktokers and influencers Cassandra Tejada, Melissa Tejada, Giada Bosetti, Aurora Baruto, Angelica Giustolisi and Mura

The event was hosted by the well-known TV presenter Ylenia Totino and organized by Andrew Sardelli and Marco Rosselli, in collaboration with the Ap-Servizi agency

Official sponsor of the event is the well-known Diabasi massage school. 

The models were made up and styled by the Elihair Agency Milano group which thanks to its professionalism has enhanced the beauty of the models from the organization of the event e from various fashion agencies: The Fashion Model Management, MM Model Management and Miro Fashion.


Press release shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

International Lux Magazine congratulates to the fashion event: MILAN FASHION DAY for their success. 

Very nice fashion creations and models.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


It took place on Thursday 23 September, during the Milan Fashion Week, the Milan Fashion & Wine, in front of a parterre made up of potential buyers and sector employees

The event was hosted by the prestigious Terrazza 55, in Via Piero della Francesca 55, in heart of Milan.

The event was masterfully conducted by Ylenia Totino, a well-known TV presenter, which highlighted how important it is to have the public, albeit reduced, in a demonstration of this entity. The brands that presented their collection were:

Confuorto Jewels.

Stefano Ghilardi.

Crown Jewels.

 The show was preceded by an aperitif accompanied by an open wine

The models, selected and coming from all over Italy, were styled by Eli Hair Agency and the Attilio Artistic Team group

The event that was organized by Andrew Sardelli and Marco Rosselli, in collaboration with the AP Servizi agency and the Vegas group, the positivity and desire to triumph restart.

An important thanks goes to the Mondocasa Group to the partner fashion agencies of the event: MM Model Management and Miro Fashion.


Press release shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

International Lux Magazine congratulates to the fashion event: MILAN FASHION & WINE for their success. 

Very nice fashion creations and models.

Thursday, September 30, 2021


Flowers, Haute Couture and Art, this is how the twelfth edition of the FASHION ART and MORE International Luxury Event begins during Milan Fashion Week. The rebirth of Italy and high fashion, beautifully interpreted by Sabrina Spinelli Wellness for You Fashion, creator of the event and Brand Manager for Stylists all over the world, who took the stage with a dress created exclusively for her with fresh flowers by the Friulian Flowers Designer Giacomo Gerin, owner of the “Il Particolare di Jacum” brand. Accompanying it the magical melody of the hymn by Mameli that thrilled the whole audience As always, the first space of the event was dedicated to the exhibition of the works of art of the two artists present: Riccardo Liberati, whose works received the "Michelangelo" International Award and the artist Daniela Ferrero who exhibited his works : "Femmine Alpha" (visionary Art). The "MOM Sardinia" jewelery exhibition enriched the magnificent evening. 'known for its hand-made clothes, has chosen FASHION ART and MORE for the launch not only of its jewelry but also of its new perfumes both for women "Ary" and "Distinto" for men, with spicy fragrances that represent the brand identity of the same brand. 

The relaunch of Made in Italy and hand-made products, this was the goal of Brand Manager Sabrina Spinelli, who apparently succeeded very well in starting with the presence of international buyers. Among the many present Thomas Luigi Mastroianni Governor Royal Society, the Consul of Tunisia and his wife, many Italian fashion workers who came to attend the high fashion shows of Fashion Art and More

The first show is by the designer Mariateresa Carletti Couture, whose creations represent feminine delicacy and beauty, whose storm colors inspired the collection. Sequins and crystals, transparencies and embroidery, light and rigid fabrics characterize the dresses on the catwalk. To follow “THE NOBLENESS IS A DRESS Collection”, this is the name of the collection of the Tunisian international high fashion designer present, HEDY SAAD; inspired by the colors of the rainbow in full nature, historical ornaments, architectural perspectives and fine fabrics to create a noble style adapted to the present day. Creations in voile, silk organza and lace, from the simplest to the most sophisticated, for the dresses created and made by the stylist Marilena Poglie, Atelier Barleduc, Venice; all strictly Italian Handmade. 

The designer Maria Teresa Digirolamo describes “Lumièrêve”, her brand, as a door that connects two worlds: fashion and cinema. Luxury Pret à Porter, in which he sees an unusual interpretation and as a model Tommaso Stanzani, dancer of AMICI 2020 and now protagonist on the catwalks of the Milanese Fashion Week interpreting in an excellent way the "Great Gasby" and before that, protagonist of the short film created by the designer for the launch of the collection. The Magnificent evening "Le Boteriane" closes with a project conceived by the journalist Laura Panigatti, which stems from the desire to address the world of women whose appearance, flourishing and soft in shape, capable of emphasizing and emphasizing with pride as the one that for some is an imperfection can turn into an instrument of charm. 

A surprise call on stage, Sabrina Spinelli received a Lifetime Achievement Award for her 25 years dedicated to the world of fashion

Official sponsors for Hair Style CELEBRITY STYLIST EVENT by Roberto Petroccia; FMB Textile, Istanbul, Turkey.

Visit the Facebook page of FASHION ART & MORE Click HERE.


Press release shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

International Lux Magazine congratulates to the international luxury event: FASHION ART & MORE for the success of the 12th edition and we wish for FASHION ART & MORE many more successes.

Very nice art, fashion creations and models.

International Lux Magazine is media partner of FASHION ART & MORE.

Video of the special event :


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