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Showing posts with label fashion expo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion expo. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2022

International Fashion Expo: 5th Edition ready.

Press release shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo , founder and editor of International Lux Magazine.

International Fashion Expo: 5th Edition ready After the splendid result of the February edition held in the setting of Palazzo Francesco Turati, International Fashion Expo is already proceeding with the launch of the 5th edition in September that will see among the exhibitors already well-known faces that have exhibited in previous editions and brands that will be presenting themselves for the first time. Location and dates are confirmed: 23 and 24 September at Palazzo Francesco Turati. At the moment, brands from Italy, Spain and Great Britain have already booked their space. Phoenix-Wicom Ltd, the London-based company that organises the International Fashion Expo, in line with the project's expansion policy and continuing on the path of penetration in the US market, has developed partnerships with Dream Fashion Channel and the Dallas Chamber of Fashion Designers. 

In addition, through Kico Hayashida's agency K Style Promotion, the project has been exported to Japan, while thanks to collaboration with Nadzeya (Nadine) Bokhan, representation in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the UAE is active. 

With companies present in countries involved in the current conflict and affected by sanctions, Phoenix-Wicom Ltd, has no intention of suspending relations as fashion, being art itself, must promote peace and not sterile boycotts that do not promote economic and turnover growth for either the boycotted or the boycotters. Neither have we accepted, nor will we ever accept, interference consisting of moral blackmail that only tends to damage small businesses and people who have nothing to do with the proxy war underway. 

There are also new additions to the staff: Dr. Alexia Brancato has been confirmed as marketing director; Paolo Rebizzani and Angelo Apolito as director; Dafne Apollonio as casting director as well as coordinator of the models' staff and Rieska Wulandari as regards relations with the Asian media. The newcomers include Alice Stucchi, who, in addition to being press officer, together with Josimar Suarez, Rebecca Colombo and Giusy Ferrigno, will host the I.F.E. television programmes. In addition, to better coordinate the staff of photographers, Claudio Multari of Turin was appointed director of photography, while Angela Stefania Casolino will coordinate backstage.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

International Fashion Expo: the triumph of the third edition.

Despite various unforeseen events due to restrictions caused by the management of Covid19, the fashion week in attendance has resumed.

The third edition of the International Fashion Expo was held on 24 and 25 September at Palazzo Francesco Turati, under the patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, the Italy-Hong Kong Association and the Middle East Fashion Council.

On Friday 24 September, the event began with a brief opening ceremony attended by the CEO of Phoenix-Wicom LTD, the event organiser; the Deputy Ambassador of Indonesia, Her Excellency Leffianna Ferdinandus; Dott. Riccardo Fuochi, President of the Italy-Hong Kong Association; Piergiorgio Plumeri, Vice-President of Confeuropa and Eleonora Giardinelli, candidate in Milan's Municipality 1 for FdI, as well as the event's testimonials Alexia Brancato and Dafne Apollonio.

There were numerous media partners, including Metro TV, Bom Channel and Lombardia TV.

The exhibitors at this third edition were: Marcella Spagnolo, a start-up from Puglia with a line of swimwear and related cover-ups with a classic and sensual taste; Pasqua Pistillo, who has already taken part in previous editions of the kermesse and who wanted to present a collection inspired by the sea, elegant and fresh; Anna Salvigni, a young designer from Biella who enchanted the public with her collection that danced between a classic and rock style; Regjina di Alfred Ejlli who presented unique, linen, handcrafted garments that highlighted Albania, it is no coincidence that the name of the collection is Terra Madre; Pierangelo Masciadri, an artist from Como who showed a collection of very fine silk pochos, Yetti Octarina Prana, an Indonesian designer who exhibited a series of batiks and the Double People fragrances.

In addition, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, there was a small exhibition of paintings by Maestro Milo Lombardo, in collaboration with the Artemilo Association, and three dresses whose silks were graphically created by the Tuscan painter Paola Zannoni and made by MP Fashion, the fashion department of the Maco Museum.

Mention must also be made of the logisticians whose masterful work ensured that the third edition of the I.F.E. was a triumph, so special thanks to Italian Concept, who took care of the hair style, and Chiara Nasatti, who masterfully took care of the make-up.
A special thanks also goes to the direction, which this year was handled by Angelo Apolito, a Roman director who diligently managed unexpected events and times.

Phoenix-Wicom LTD would like to thank the participating public, the Italian and foreign journalists who attended and will be delighted to receive them again on 25 and 26 February 2022 for the fourth edition of the International Fashion Expo.

I.F.E. Press Office.


Press release shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

International Lux Magazine congratulates to the special event: International Fashion Expo (IFE) for the success of the third edition and we wish for IFE many more successes.

Very nice fashion creations and very nice models.

International Lux Magazine is media partner of International Fashion Expo.

Friday, April 2, 2021

International Fashion Expo: the September edition kicks off.

Registration is now open for participation in the International Fashion Expo to be held in Milan during the fashion week on 24 and 25 September.

The event is a platform dedicated to a limited number of fashion designers who wish to enter the market in a more professional way. It is not based on short fashion shows but on a real exhibition of collections and brands with the aim of putting the participating fashion designers in direct contact with buyers, journalists, fashion bloggers, showrooms and influencers.

All fashion designers and brands wishing to participate are invited to visit the official website of the initiative: , leave their details and they will be contacted directly by the sales manager, Mr. Stefano Piavani, who will then send them all the information and contracts.

In addition, we are delighted to announce that we will have strong media support from a number of national and international publications operating in the fashion business and generalist sectors. We are also working to obtain the patronage of the Lombardy Region, the Presidency of the Republic, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the European Commission, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce.

The International Fashion Expo staff will be at the disposal of the participating brands at all times in order to guarantee an impeccable and high-level service.

I.F.E. Staff

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