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Showing posts with label colors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colors. Show all posts

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Painting tips to change the size of rooms.

International Lux Magazine share an interesting article about an important subject of the home design related with the color of walls and ceilings to change the sensation of space in the rooms.

The color applied in the walls and ceilings create different space sensations based if it is within the range of neutral, warm, cool or intermediate colors i.e. the sensation or visual impression of wider or small rooms.

The "space perception" what generate the colors also has relation with the objects included in the room (location, size and color), the windows and the type and intensity of the illumination of the room that can be natural or artificial. Also the mirrors generate a "visual sensation" of large rooms in combination with the color of the walls.

The clear colors create sensation of more space or expansion and the range of dark colors in different tones create sensation of contraction or less space. 

For more info about interesting theme click HERE.

Article shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

For request of preparation and publication of Special Articles for recognized or emergent personalities of the fashion, art, architecture, interior design, jewelry, etc click HERE for more information.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Colors and Beauty to give you Strength.

In this mean times we all need remedies to alleviate the pain from the bumps on the way. Our brain is designed to find peace and relief in difficult terrains. One way to pass through challenging phases is filling the well of our imagination; we provide the images, suggest the mood and completely design a thinking process that is like mental green pastures. It is like if we have installed a mental GPS that is programed to take us out of the dark valleys of depression every time we find ourselves there.

My personal treatment is a little radical but I prefer it than the alternative: I provide the “visual art’ to the brain to get completely intoxicated with beauty and colors to distract the mind from distress. Yes, once it doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality I have my imagination colored with joy and comfort…My brain is ninja trained and doesn’t know better because I filter all the incoming of information carefully and only let pass through what can bring me hope.

I also watch very closely the generating of the thinking process and I am right there with the cloths of light and love to welcome new ideas, as the thinking is being born I involved it in a dynamic of health, light and enthusiasm….. it is like living in a nursery and you have constantly nurture all those good thoughts and let them grow like a seed in a forest....All this help can be encountered in the arts…Arts in all shapes and forms…We already have everything we need to live abundantly, we just need to focus…so focus on beauty.

To enhance your knowledge read the effects of colors on your brain

Art from these amazing artists from LinkedIn:

Kimberly Pelkey.

Karen Mulder.

Robert Gann.

Kintaro Ishikawa.

Grigory Gurevich.

Marion Coovi.

This Article was wrote by:
 Maria Parenteau from San Diego, California, USA.

Hot Home Trends: Elevate Your Space.