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Showing posts with label body health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label body health. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2019

CBD-related products are changing the beauty industry.

(BPT) - Short for cannabidiol, CBD is grabbing headlines every day. Long known to be a beneficial ingredient for health and wellness, now it’s coming to the beauty industry.

Why is it grabbing headlines? Because of its anti-inflammatory, soothing and anti-aging properties, which make the oil an ideal solution to transform your beauty routine, from hair products to lotions to facial oils. If you’re thinking, "Wait, cannabis? That’s marijuana, right?" Wrong. Though it is found in cannabis, it is legal, it won’t get you high and you will pass your drug test with flying colors.

That’s because it does not contain THC, the ingredient in cannabis that produces the “high” effect.
Still confused? Kevin Wachs, CEO and co-founder of Earthly Body, offers some of the beauty areas where this oil is having the biggest impact.

Super skin care

We already know that inflammation can spell serious skin woes, but what you might not know is that CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can do wonders to help soothe low-level irritation. The oil, such as CBD Daily's Serum, moisturizes and soothes skin thanks to the high levels of Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids it contains. These acids deliver important nutrients to the skin while protecting against environmental and other daily stressors. Additionally, the oil works to soothe sore muscles and aches.

Happy hair

Earthly Body’s Emera CBD Haircare line is the first professional haircare line infused with CBD. This, along with other oils, is loaded with essential fatty acids so it helps to keep hair well hdyrated. It also helps to regulate hair loss and control dry hair and scalp conditions. In doing so, it encourages hair growth and promotes overall healthy hair.

“CBD promotes healthy hair growth and good scalp health and protects your hair from daily environmental stresses because it is antioxidant rich,” Wachs said. “It also strengthens your hair and reduces breakage thanks to the high levels of amino acids and offers color protection thanks to tyrosine, too.”

In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it works to calm and nourish beneath the surface by deeply penetrating and conditioning in conjunction with a blend of ingredients like lemon grass, chamomile and Japanese matcha green tea.

The new look of beauty products

The beauty industry is constantly changing, and as new products and trends enter the market, CBD-related solutions are poised to dominate.

To learn more, visit or

Article shared from the web site of the original publication : Brandpoint.(

Monday, April 15, 2019

Top 10 ways to reduce body fat and weight naturally.

Arrticle shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo, Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine, from the web site of one of our Co-media partners

Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when people carry excess weight or body fat to the extent that it might affect their health. It usually increases the risk of cardio-vascular diseases and associated health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Although there are numerous medicinal and surgical procedures to remove excess body fat, the following list explains 10 easy steps to reduce excess body fat naturally.

1. Exercise daily for at least 20 minutes. Take a brisk walk or a brief sprint, do some push-ups, yoga or plain aerobics; you need to burn the fat that has accumulated in your body. It will take time but you patience will pay off when you start noticing results after a few weeks.
2. Start your day with a glass of luke-warm water and a slice of lemon. Have it daily before breakfast. You shall feel refreshed and your body shall start shedding the accumulated fat naturally.
3. Have green tea.
4. Cut-down on your sugar intake. Avoid chocolates, ice cream and sugary treats.
5. Minimize your intake of rice, potato, cheese and mayonnaise.
6. Try to avoid processed food as much as possible. Eat fresh.
7. Eat fruits, lots of fruits. Fruits are rich in essential nutrients and water content but low on fat and sugar content.
8. Breakfast should be heavy, lunch should be moderate and dinner should be light. Finish your dinner at least 2-3 hours before you go to bed.
9. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Water hydrates the body and eliminates impurities from the blood stream.
10. Get a good night’s sleep. You should have sound sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours. It reduces stress and revitalizes your organs.

You should start seeing results with 3-4 weeks of following this simple regime. Stay fit, stay healthy.

Original post by : Nimisha Patel.
Nature lover. Like to research mythology.

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