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Showing posts with label art inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art inspiration. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

History of Art Deco.

International Lux Magazine share an interesting article about the history of the famous and special ART DECO.

For more info make click HERE.

Article shared by Carlos Eduardo Feijoo.
Founder, CEO and Editor of International Lux Magazine.

For request of preparation and publication of Special Articles for recognized or emergent personalities of the fashion, art, architecture, interior design, jewelry, etc click HERE for more information.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

I Go Whimsical On You.

My life "was elevated to another level" when I began to see other dimension that was happening in front of my eyes simultaneously with reality and that I had never paid attention to before.

I was discovering natural mirrors and reflectors, flames, glows, blazes, brilliancy, dazzles, lights, shadows and glares; see that everything is reflected everywhere, my brain was showing me when immersed in great delight.”

It is a very interesting combination trying to live life according to reality and having a whimsical brain who only wants and desires and have this hope of grandeur.

Yes, this capricious being stays in between me and everybody else complicating the interaction with fanciful notions, imaginative narratives, and full of sudden wishes, longings and changes of mind.

It is a little embarrassing once looks like I am the eccentric one here, there is this carefree being occupying my head, hiding behind my eyes, making decisions on impulse, acting aloof and childlike but I will be the one to be blamed and bullied.

It is not that I am a victim or anything, I am not, and am grateful that this brain of mine showed me the surreal world. It is that I just have to supervise it more closely once being whimsical is not that bad, it has three different sides: Fanciful, amusing and erratic…(erratic? Ops!) I promise that for the most part, besides all that involves, whimsical is a compliment.

My pleasure to enhance the story telling with the art of these remarkable artists:

Giorgio Marogna.

Lisa (Vaselenak) Chater.

Mihaela Ioana Atomei.

Carlos Enrique Alvarez Delgado.

Dena (Heller) Ackerman.

Maria Parenteau.

Definition from: › dictionary › whimsical

This Article was wrote by:
 Maria Parenteau from San Diego, California, USA.

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